The Leviathan

Powers: England / France Stage: Early Game (and beyond) Primary target(s): Germany, Russia Also known as… The Entente Cordiale; The Western Juggernaut Associated 3-way alliances: Western Triple; Spaghetti Western; Triple Entente The E/F alliance is one of the most successful in the game. Given that it is often held to be a mistake, this isContinue reading “The Leviathan”

FloridaMan Diplomacy

I’m going to continue my look at YouTube Diplomacy sites. The link provided won’t take you to all of them, I should point out, but it’s a starting point. I’ve already looked at Chris Martin’s Diplomacy Academy in a post reviewing his video on “Unintended Antagonism”, and at Legendary Tactics‘ video “Beginner’s Guide”. Today, it’sContinue reading “FloridaMan Diplomacy”

Early Game Alliances: England/France

The “Entente Cordiale” is the well established name for the Anglo-French alliance. It comes from a contemporaneous alliance established in 1904 between the two states, aimed at defending themselves from German aggression but – more importantly – ending direct colonial competition. England’s POV If England is to win the game, she has to attack France.Continue reading “Early Game Alliances: England/France”