Diplicity Game: “Give it a Try” – 1905/6

So, going into 1905, the board looked as above. I was still going for the Gunboat-esque solo and still facing no opposition. The south/east was caught up in-fighting and Austria had backed out of the game completely. Spring 1905 I have almost nothing to say about this turn. Austria seemed to have ordered A GalContinue reading “Diplicity Game: “Give it a Try” – 1905/6″

Diplicity Game: “Give it a Try” – 1904

Above are the W1903 adjustments. As you can see, Turkey took my advice and managed to get a build. Still, no opposition to my cake walk. Assuming Turkey now knew what they were doing, Austria’s time was over. Of course, there was always the chance that Austria, Italy and Turkey would get their act togetherContinue reading “Diplicity Game: “Give it a Try” – 1904″

Diplicity Game: “Give it a Try” – 1903

Winter 1902 ended as shown above. I’m England; I’ve no opposition in the west and north. I’m on 8 SCs and it’s only the end of 1902. It’s a dream… or a nightmare. Well, OK, not a nightmare but I’m beginning to wonder just how enjoyable this game is for me. I mean, yeh, fine,Continue reading “Diplicity Game: “Give it a Try” – 1903″

Diplicity Game 1: “Give it a Try” – 1902

The image above is the situation after Winter 1901. As a reminder, I’m England. France, having gained 3 SCs in 1901 didn’t order any builds; Russia NMRed in F01 and didn’t enter a build, either; Germany NMRed in S01. I didn’t believe any of them were still in the game. So, where did this leaveContinue reading “Diplicity Game 1: “Give it a Try” – 1902″

Diplicity Game: “Give it a Try” – 1901

I started a game on Diplicity in late January 2024. This was a trial game for me. I’d played one game on Diplicity before but didn’t stay in the game long because others didn’t stay in the game long. I got fed up with it. When I’ve finished the game, I’ll write a review ofContinue reading “Diplicity Game: “Give it a Try” – 1901″

The Diplomacy Hub

I created THE DIPLOMACY HUB a while ago… and then let it float for a bit! There were reasons, some legitimate, some lazy. But, frankly, I mis-handled this. So it’s time to move it forward a little more. If you want to take part in a forum for the game of Diplomacy, that isn’t associatedContinue reading “The Diplomacy Hub”

And now… The Forum

So another break has been had. This time, though, I have been working on a new project and it is now up and running… The Diplomacy Hub The Diplomacy Hub is somewhere to chat about Diplomacy. I know there are other sites out there that do this. The two biggest Dip sites have their ownContinue reading “And now… The Forum”