Officially a Literati

If you aren’t reading The Briefing – “A Weekly Threat Assessment of the Diplomacy Community” – the question is: Why not? I’ve been meaning to do a blog post on The Briefing and now, it seems, I’ll have to. After all, I’ve been nominated for an award: Diplomacy Literati of the Year. I was nominatedContinue reading “Officially a Literati”

Evolve to Survive

In the first two issues of 34 I’ve examined articles from Richard Egan and Stephen Agar on the state of the Hobby. Here, I give my assessment of the Hobby today and the future. Does the Hobby still exist? Is there a future for the Diplomacy Hobby? Questioning the viability of the Hobby is something that manyContinue reading “Evolve to Survive”

Still Here!

“Well, it is five years since Richard Egan wrote that article and we are all (mostly) still here.” As opening lines go, this isn’t the most positive one could be but, given that the author of “Why Richard Was Almost Right”, Stephen Agar, shared some of Egan’s concerns, perhaps that is as good as itContinue reading “Still Here!”

We’re Doomed!

Private Fraser lives and breathes in all of us. If you live in North America, the chances are you won’t know what I’m talking about. Private Fraser was a character in “Dad’s Army”, a sitcom broadcast in the UK in the late 1960s and throughout most of the 1970s. I watched it as a kid. It was usuallyContinue reading “We’re Doomed!”