How close should online Diplomacy be to the Face-to-Face game?

There’s an interesting momentum on Playdiplomacy at the moment for a tournament that takes tournaments back to, as they call it, the “original rules.“ This got me thinking about the question above (I’m sure I don’t need to ask it again!) What are the original rules for tournaments or even online tournaments? Webplay (playing DipContinue reading “How close should online Diplomacy be to the Face-to-Face game?”

Playdiplomacy’s scoring system

My previous post looked at webDiplomacy’s scoring system and I promised, as part of the post, that I’d be looking at both webDiplomacy and Playdiplomacy, specifically the bits that I feel are not as good as they could/should be. So now I’m moving onto Playdip’s system of scoring games. Ratings not scoring Playdiplomacy uses aContinue reading “Playdiplomacy’s scoring system”