The SIZE MATTERS Scoring System

Yeh, I know – another scoring system, and another of my designs. Well, if at first you don’t succeed… I’ve designed the Size Matters system to score tournaments. The idea is that it is a hybrid system (of which I’ve been pretty scathing in the past, but one which places draw sized scoring at it’sContinue reading “The SIZE MATTERS Scoring System”

Do we need a Short Game rule for Tournaments?

Phew. It’s been a long haul but I’ve finally come to the end of the series on tournament scoring, which started here. As I’ve said before, when I have posted a new post, I tend to post a Tweet. Not always, especially when I’ve completed more than one post a day, but often. This oneContinue reading “Do we need a Short Game rule for Tournaments?”

Mean Comparison Scoring system

Remember the Hurst Tournament Scoring system? No? Go and read about it, then, because the Mean Comparison Scoring system is based on HTS. In this case, however, MCS scoring is a DBS system, whereas HTS is an SCS system. In other words, MCS is based on points awarded by the outcome of the game. WhatContinue reading “Mean Comparison Scoring system”

Diminishing Value DBS system

It’s only recently that I came across a scoring system similar to this one. Not quite the same so I decided to go with it anyway. It’s another of my systems. The basic idea is that this is a DBS system. Your share of the points depends on how many players are in the drawContinue reading “Diminishing Value DBS system”

C-Diplo scoring system

The C-Diplo scoring system was invented in the French Hobby and it is a simplistic system. That’s not to say anything negative about the French Hobby, just in case you were able to imply that it does. Sometimes, simple is good. Sometimes. What is the C-Diplo scoring system? The “C” in the title gives theContinue reading “C-Diplo scoring system”

Detour98F scoring system

When it comes to scoring systems, the Detrour98F is… well, it can’t be one on its own, as I was going to say, because I guess there were Detrour98E, D, etc. Although I could be very wrong. That happened once, I think. I came across the Detour98F scoring system in an online tournament. At theContinue reading “Detour98F scoring system”

Mystery Scoring system

The Mystery Scoring system is named because you never really know what score you’re going to end the tournament on until the end of the tournament. See? It’s a mystery…. ooooohhhhh. This is one of my scoring systems. I’ve designed a version of this before and, well, it wasn’t great. It was more of aContinue reading “Mystery Scoring system”

A Basic DBS system

After including a post on the Calhamer Point scoring system, perhaps I don’t need to worry about posting about a basic Draw-Based Scoring system, as there’s no more basic a DBS system than the Calhamer Point. However, I think the pure Calhamer Point system is too simplistic, no matter how it is used. It’s notContinue reading “A Basic DBS system”

Calhamer Point scoring system

If you want a way to score Diplomacy, what better place to go than the man himself, the Great and Good ABC, Allan Calhamer, the game’s creator. After all, any system Calhamer produced would be sympathetic to the his design for the game. So this is why I’m going to examine perhaps the simplest ofContinue reading “Calhamer Point scoring system”

Tribute Scoring system

If you want a different type of scoring system, the Tribute Scoring system is a good option. It was designed to score a League series of games, rather than a tournament, but there’s no reason why it couldn’t be used in a tournament. As a reminder, a League series is a series of games thatContinue reading “Tribute Scoring system”