The Grantland Discussions: A Feast for Carebears

By now, unless you’re just jumping into my blog here, you’ll know that Carebearism is not my favourite part of Diplomacy. For me, it has no place at the table, real or otherwise. For others, it’s the way the game should be played. Let’s start by defining what Carebearism actually is. There are, perhaps, threeContinue reading “The Grantland Discussions: A Feast for Carebears”

A Diplomacy DeepMind?

A long time ago, I made the mistake of buying Mindscape’s Diplomacy PC game. And, yes, it was a mistake! Now, if you’ve tried it, you probably know what I mean. From the point of view of a proper Dip game – you know, with communication – the “AI” in the game is, well, pathetic.Continue reading “A Diplomacy DeepMind?”